Teachers, mindfulness is terrific for you. It has been shown to result in “significant improvements in stress, wellbeing, mindfulness, and self-compassion” of teachers who learn and practice it. And it has super benefits for students:
- Increased emotional regulation
- Increased social skills
- Increased ability to orient attention
- Increased working memory and planning and organization
- Increased self esteem
- Increased sense of calmness, relaxation, and self acceptance.
- Increased quality of sleep
- Decreased test anxiety
- Decreased ADHD behaviors- specifically hyperactivity and impulsivity
- Decreased negative affect/ emotions
- Decreased anxiety
- Decreased depression
- Fewer conduct and anger management problems
Sounds good, right? So how to get started? For those on a budget, I suggest starting with Smiling Minds from Australia. It is very well scoped and sequenced, comprehsnive and well laid out.
Select your age group
Rate your mood before and after:
All the meditations can be streamed or downloaded to itunes
Super clean interface, nicely laid out. Learn more at their Youtube Channel.
.B is a project of the Mindfulness in Schools project has a wonderful program but you must be trained in order to access the ten lessons:
They do offer training all over the world. Here is the founder talking about how it works.
The other major player is John Kabat-Zinn with his Mindfulness Based Stress Reducation. They also require training:
Hear John speak about the project.
See mindful in action with such documentaries as Room to Breath
And Healthy Habbits of Mind (complete movie Below):
Goldie Hawn Discusses Her Mind Up Program
and with dan Siegal at TED MED
Move Into Learning is a hybre approach including mindfulness, yoga, movement etc.