Positive Education #2: Wellington School

At it since 2006, Wellington College in the UK, has a comprehensive outline of their positive education guided by their 3 key principles:

Firstly, it is appreciative. This means that the process starts by looking for what we do well with a view to spreading it to all areas of College life. Secondly, it is grass-roots; it is not imposed from the top-down, but comes from the whole community. Finally, it is sustainable; this is not a process of forced, rapid change: we will take our time and get it right.

They generously share a 4 years strengths plan:

4th Form

5th Form

L6th Form

U6th Form

1. Introduction to strengths work. 1. Character strengths and studying. 1. Recap/building sound relationships. 1. Recap/Character and consumerism.
2. Bullying or banter? 2. Intoxicants. 2. Staying on track with work. 2.Mental health.

3. Smoking.

3. Sex for the right reasons. 3. Sex for the wrong reasons. 3.Emerging from Wellington: leaving it all behind.
4. Coping when things don’t go our way. 4. Self awareness: knowing how actions reveal character. 4. Intoxicants. 4. Emerging from Wellington: making a positive difference.
5. Standing up for what is right: Kitty Genovese. 5. Forgiveness. 5. Taking risks. 5. Meaning and Viktor Frankl.


In fact if you click the links on their left hand side control panel you can access pretty much their entire curriculum. Positive education in box.